Roller; It has been developing since the 19th century and is the most well-known machine part, which has certain temperature limits and spaces for its operation, which directs the movement in its situation, especially helps to reduce friction during rotation and rolling movements, that is, to bring it to a minimum level. There are 250,000-300,000 types of bearings in the world.
There are many types of bearings depending on where they will be used. Bearings are divided into 2 types, these are ball bearings and roller bearings. These 2 types have diversity within themselves.
In order to prolong the life of the bearing, we must first pay attention to the temperature level of the place where it is mounted, the noise intensity, vibration, friction level, machine lubrication rate and many similar factors. Because all of these situations become the working area of the bearing and if we cannot provide this area correctly, we cannot provide a long-term use.
The 2 most important tasks of the bearing are to ensure the passage of its movement and not to damage the place where it is while doing this, and at the same time to direct the incoming force. For this, we must pay attention to the operating conditions of the bearing.
There are some lubrication techniques to make the bearing work longer and more efficiently under friction conditions. If we do not apply these, we will shorten the life of the bearing.
Determination should be made by knowing the working environment and temperature of the bearing. Not every bearing series is suitable for high temperature.
Trying to remove the bearing from its position with a hammer, such as a hammer, may cause difficulty in detecting the bearing's code. In addition, installing by hitting or pushing during the assembly of the bearing will affect the tolerance, shaft clearance or vibration of the bearing, which is also a wrong method. We recommend that you get technical support while performing these operations.
The tolerance of the bearing may vary depending on the temperature of the location, lubrication level, sensitivity, vibration and many more. We call the place between the machine and the bearing tolerance, and we must consider these situations in order to determine the tolerance.